Thursday, 25 September 2014

Dr. Robert O. Young Is One Of The Most Widely Recognized Research Scientists In The World

During the past twenty-five years, Dr. Robert O. Young has worked on health and wellness issues and is today one of the most widely recognized research scientists in the world. His research has always been focused on the cellular level, helping people to thrive by improving upon their cellular health at the most basic biological levels. Dr. Robert O. Young has a specialty in cellular nutrition and has devoted his career to researching what is behind the causes of various “diseases”. After years of study and research, he developed “The New Biology” in order to help people to bring a balanced way of living a healthy life.

In 1994, Dr. Robert O. Young discovered the biological transformation that occurred when red blood cells became bacteria and vice versa. Since then, he has documented multiple instances of those transformations. Dr. Robert O. Young has been published in a number of noted journals, including The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. He is the author  and co-author for a number of books, including Herbal Nutritional Medications (1988), One Sickness, One Disease, One Treatment (1992), Sick and Tired (1995), The pH Miracle (2002), and a number of others.

Dr. Robert O. Young's series of pH Miracle books has sold more than 400,000 copies. As of April of 2009, the series has more than half a million copies in print and have been translated into seventeen languages. They have become popular not only in the United States, but also internationally. His books teach readers how to change their diets in fundamental ways that will increase their health by balancing their body chemistry.

Long before he had an interest in biology or dietetics, Dr. Robert O. Young attended the University of Utah. He studies biology and business where he was on a full athletic scholarship for tennis. The team he played with was consistently one of the top ten teams in the nation. In 1993, Dr. Robert O. Young received his M.S. in Nutrition from The American College in Birmingham, Alabama. In 1995, Dr. Robert O. Young received his D.Sc. with an emphasis in biology and chemistry. In 1997, Dr. Robert O. Young received his Ph.D. from Clayton College of Natural Health.